Do you love dancing with us on Thursday nights? Want to help make it happen? Come volunteer with us!

Volunteering is a great way to get involved, learn more about the community, and help support swing dancing in Austin. A volunteer-run organization, The Austin Swing Syndicate only exists with the help of dozens of individuals who participate in Thursday-night operations – setting up the sound system, setting up chairs, checking in guests for our classes and dances, and finally closing up the mansion at the end of the night.

Volunteers get complementary admission to the dance on evenings they work a shift. You can volunteer every week or occasionally, and you can choose shifts that work best with your schedule.

Interesting in volunteering? Fill out the form below and our Volunteer Coordinator will get in touch.

Do you have special skills to offer, such as marketing, design, grant writing, event planning, or others? Contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in working behind the scenes on our org initiatives.


Volunteer Form