Progressive classes return January 9th

7:00 PM | Progressive Classes


Description: Your journey into Balboa begins here! Learn this fun, smooth, dance that originated in Southern California in the 1930s! In this series, you will learn the basics; partner connection, 8-count rhythm and footwork, and focus on the common core moves danced on the social floor, such as out and ins, lollies, swivels, and the toss out. You will learn to transition from open to closed positions and dance to a variety of tempos.This class is a four-week introductory series designed to be taken as many times as you want. 

Pre-reqs: No experience or partner required!


Description: Continue your journey into Collegiate Shag! You will continue to refine your basics in addition to learning more moves and techniques to take your Shag to the next level. The content for this weekly class is strongly based on our instructor’s assessment of what the student group needs to focus on most. 

Pre-reqs: Collegiate Shag 1. Students advanced to Level 2 at the instructors discretion.

LINDY 2 – A new 8-week course designed to level up your Lindy Hop!

Description: Your Lindy Hop journey just got a whole lot more exciting! Lindy 2 is designed to be an 8-week (two months) course where you focus on moves, techniques, and musicality. But wait! There’s more! Sign up for optional month 3 where you will learn and perform a short choreo with your classmates showcasing the moves you have learned during your course! 

Pre-reqs: Lindy 1. Students advanced to Level 2 at the instructors discretion. 

8:00 PM | Progressive Classes


Description: Continue your journey into Balboa & Bal-Swing!! You will continue to refine your basics in addition to learning more moves and techniques to take your Bal to the next level. The content for this weekly class is strongly based on our instructor’s assessment of what the student group needs to focus on most! We also consider requests to work on specific topics to support your learning journey.

Pre-reqs: Balboa 1. Students advanced to Level 2 at the instructors discretion.


Description: Collegiate Shag is a fun 6-count swing dance that originated in the late 20s/early 30s, typically done to uptempo swing music. You might recognize it as the dance with quick feet, big kicks, and arms high in the air, but it can also be calm and relaxed. You will learn enough in one lesson to start social dancing in the ballroom the same night! Come see what the hype is about!

Pre-reqs: No experience or partner required!

LINDY 1 (formerly Lindy Foundations) 

Description: Your journey into Lindy Hop begins here! This class is a four-week introductory series designed to be taken as many times as you want. Over the course of 4 weeks, you will learn foundational basics and moves to get you started in Lindy Hop. You will focus on partner connection and the 8-count Lindy rhythm and footwork, specifically triple steps. 

Pre-reqs: No experience or partner required!

New Drop-In!


Description: You have taken Intro to Swing in the main ballroom for a while, you have become proficient with the basic connection, 6-count rhythm, footwork, and the moves taught there, and now you are ready for more! Join us in Intermediate Swing! 

Pre-reqs: Must be proficient with the six-count basic and fundamental moves taught in the Intro to Swing lesson. 

Weekly Classes

Weekly classes start fresh each week so you can join any time!  Great for those new to swing dancing or to the Syndicate!

Intro to Swing

When: 8:15 PM – 9:00 PM

Where: Main Ballroom

Cost: Free with admission!!

Before every Thursday dance, the Austin Swing Syndicate holds an introductory swing dance lesson at 8:15 PM, which is included with your admission!

If you’ve never gone swing dancing before or just want a little refresher, this lesson is made just for you! We’ll teach you the basic step of 6-count Swing and a few fun moves to get you out on the dance floor and having a great time.

Don’t worry if you have two left feet. Our instructors make it easy to learn, and most importantly, they make it fun! You don’t need to worry about bringing a partner either, we’ll be rotating partners in class.

Have questions?

See our Class FAQ!