
July Summer Workshop Series

Classes are on summer break, but we never stop dancing. Join us for our special topic workshops and continue to skyrocket your dance skills and have fun with the Austin Swing Syndicate!

Time: 7:30 to 9:00 PM
Cost: $25 each
Sign up in advance online!


July 11, 18, 25 – Lindy Hop Foundations

Want to level up your Lindy Hop? Want to dance effortlessly at any tempo? This workshop will give you the tools and techniques to help you swing out in your own unique style musically and at speed.

Prerequisite: Knowledge of the basic connection and six-and-eight count rhythms and footwork. This content is curated with our Lindy Foundations series class students in mind, but dancers of all levels will strengthen their technique in these workshops. Suitable for beginners to advanced dancers.

Lindy Foundations Instructors
July 11 – Joanna Lucero & Matt Mitchell
July 18 – Keli Hawthorne & Emory Thompson
July 25 – Holly Kiang & Misha Zvonkin

July 11 – Solo Jump & Squat Charleston with Thomas Williamson

Add some variety to your Solo Jazz with new Charleston moves! This workshop will introduce you to “jump” and “squat” Charleston that will make your solo dancing more dynamic!

Prerequisite: Knowledge of eight count rhythms and footwork; some Charleston experience will be helpful. This class is for our intermediate and up dancers.

July 18 – Slow Balboa with Jennifer Reed & Matt Mitchell

Balboa isn’t just for fast music! Balboa is a versatile dance and great for all tempos! In this workshop, learn the rhythms and techniques you can use to partner dance to slower music!

Prerequisite: No prior experience or partner required. All levels are welcome!

July 25 – The Sugar Push with Kari Kron & Thomas Williamson

The sugar push is a simple move… or is it?? Together, let’s explore this six-count move that is easy to learn but difficult to master. We’ll cover how to use tension and compression in our partnered connection and tone in our own bodies in a way that will help make not only our sugar pushes, but the rest of our dancing comfortable and smooth!

Prerequisite: Students should be comfortable with Swing connection, rhythms, and footwork and be able to execute the fundamentals of Swing and/or Lindy Hop moves with relative ease. Curated for Intermediate and up dancers.