The Austin Swing Syndicate holds one of the longest running and best attended weekly swing dances in the country. Since 1999 our Thursday night dance at the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs (or as we call it, The Fed) consistently draws 200 people each week.
The Austin Swing Syndicate is a non-profit 501(c)(3), all-ages organization devoted to the care and growth of the Austin swing and Lindy Hop dance community. Austin is fortunate to have one of the largest, best, and friendliest swing dance communities in the United States. Our goal is to maintain this supportive and welcoming environment for as diverse a group as Austin has to offer!
Our Goals:
- Promote the continued existence and growth of swing dancing, in all of its forms, in the Austin area.
- Encourage the continued involvement and development of regular dancers and the ongoing addition of beginning dancers to the dance community.
- Provide suitable venues and music for these dancers.
- Be inclusive of as diverse a group as possible.
- Remain actively involved in charity and community action.
- Maintain a swing dance community that is friendly, welcoming, and supportive to all dancers.